//! This module contains the server's async tasks that are called from the various frontend
//! components to conduct operations. These are separated based on protocol versions and
//! if they are read or write transactions internally.
use kanidmd_lib::idm::ldap::LdapServer;
use kanidmd_lib::idm::server::IdmServer;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub struct QueryServerReadV1 {
pub(crate) idms: Arc<IdmServer>,
ldap: Arc<LdapServer>,
impl QueryServerReadV1 {
pub fn new(idms: Arc<IdmServer>, ldap: Arc<LdapServer>) -> Self {
debug!("Starting query server read worker ...");
QueryServerReadV1 { idms, ldap }
pub fn start_static(idms: Arc<IdmServer>, ldap: Arc<LdapServer>) -> &'static Self {
let x = Box::new(QueryServerReadV1::new(idms, ldap));
let x_ref = Box::leak(x);
pub struct QueryServerWriteV1 {
pub(crate) idms: Arc<IdmServer>,
impl QueryServerWriteV1 {
pub fn new(idms: Arc<IdmServer>) -> Self {
debug!("Starting a query server write worker ...");
QueryServerWriteV1 { idms }
pub fn start_static(idms: Arc<IdmServer>) -> &'static QueryServerWriteV1 {
let x = Box::new(QueryServerWriteV1::new(idms));
let x_ptr = Box::leak(x);
pub mod internal;
pub mod v1_read;
pub mod v1_scim;
pub mod v1_write;