// Manage and generate domain uuid's and/or trust related domain
// management.
// The primary point of this is to generate a unique domain UUID on startup
// which is importart for management of the replication topo and trust
// relationships.
use std::iter::once;
use std::sync::Arc;
use regex::Regex;
use tracing::trace;
use crate::event::{CreateEvent, ModifyEvent};
use crate::plugins::Plugin;
use crate::prelude::*;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref DOMAIN_LDAP_BASEDN_RE: Regex = {
.expect("Invalid domain ldap basedn regex")
pub struct Domain {}
impl Plugin for Domain {
fn id() -> &'static str {
#[instrument(level = "debug", name = "domain_pre_create_transform", skip_all)]
fn pre_create_transform(
qs: &mut QueryServerWriteTransaction,
cand: &mut Vec<Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryNew>>,
_ce: &CreateEvent,
) -> Result<(), OperationError> {
Self::modify_inner(qs, cand)
#[instrument(level = "debug", name = "domain_pre_modify", skip_all)]
fn pre_modify(
qs: &mut QueryServerWriteTransaction,
_pre_cand: &[Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>],
cand: &mut Vec<Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted>>,
_me: &ModifyEvent,
) -> Result<(), OperationError> {
Self::modify_inner(qs, cand)
#[instrument(level = "debug", name = "domain_pre_batch_modify", skip_all)]
fn pre_batch_modify(
qs: &mut QueryServerWriteTransaction,
_pre_cand: &[Arc<EntrySealedCommitted>],
cand: &mut Vec<Entry<EntryInvalid, EntryCommitted>>,
_me: &BatchModifyEvent,
) -> Result<(), OperationError> {
Self::modify_inner(qs, cand)
impl Domain {
/// Generates the cookie key for the domain.
fn modify_inner<T: Clone + std::fmt::Debug>(
qs: &mut QueryServerWriteTransaction,
cand: &mut [Entry<EntryInvalid, T>],
) -> Result<(), OperationError> {
cand.iter_mut().try_for_each(|e| {
if e.attribute_equality(Attribute::Class, &EntryClass::DomainInfo.into())
&& e.attribute_equality(Attribute::Uuid, &PVUUID_DOMAIN_INFO)
// Validate the domain ldap basedn syntax.
if let Some(basedn) = e.get_ava_single_iutf8(Attribute::DomainLdapBasedn) {
if !DOMAIN_LDAP_BASEDN_RE.is_match(basedn) {
"Invalid {} '{}'. Must pass regex \"{}\"",
return Err(OperationError::InvalidState);
// We always set this, because the DB uuid is authoritative.
let u = Value::Uuid(qs.get_domain_uuid());
e.set_ava(&Attribute::DomainUuid, once(u));
trace!("plugin_domain: Applying uuid transform");
// We only apply this if one isn't provided.
if !e.attribute_pres(Attribute::DomainName) {
let n = Value::new_iname(qs.get_domain_name());
e.set_ava(&Attribute::DomainName, once(n));
trace!("plugin_domain: Applying domain_name transform");
// Setup the minimum functional level if one is not set already.
if !e.attribute_pres(Attribute::Version) {
let n = Value::Uint32(DOMAIN_LEVEL_0);
e.set_ava(&Attribute::Version, once(n));
warn!("plugin_domain: Applying domain version transform");
} else {
debug!("plugin_domain: NOT Applying domain version transform");
// create the domain_display_name if it's missing. This was the behaviour in versions
// prior to DL10. Rather than checking the domain version itself, the issue is we
// have to check the min remigration level. This is because during a server setup
// we start from the MIN remigration level and work up, and the domain version == 0.
// So effectively we only skip setting this value after we know that we are at DL12
// since we could never go back to anything lower than 10 at that point.
&& !e.attribute_pres(Attribute::DomainDisplayName)
let domain_display_name =
Value::new_utf8(format!("Kanidm {}", qs.get_domain_name()));
"plugin_domain: setting default domain_display_name to {:?}",
e.set_ava(&Attribute::DomainDisplayName, once(domain_display_name));
} else {
mod tests {
use crate::prelude::*;
// test we can create and generate the id
async fn test_domain_generate_uuid(server: &QueryServer) {
let mut server_txn = server.write(duration_from_epoch_now()).await.unwrap();
let e_dom = server_txn
.expect("must not fail");
let u_dom = server_txn.get_domain_uuid();
assert!(e_dom.attribute_equality(Attribute::DomainUuid, &PartialValue::Uuid(u_dom)));