A replica may be up to 7 days out of sync before being denied updates.
The amount of time to wait to acquire a database ticket before timing out.
Higher values allow greater operation queuing but can cause feedback
loops where operations will stall for long periods.
the default number of entries that may be examined in a partially indexed
query by an api token.
The default number of entries than an api token may retrieve in a search;
The maximum amount of recursion allowed in a filter.
The maximum number of items in a filter, regardless of nesting level.
the default number of entries that may be examined in a partially indexed
The default number of entries that a user may retrieve in a search
The number of delayed actions to consider per write transaction. Higher
values allow more coalescing to occur, but may consume more ram and cause
some latency while dequeuing and writing those operations.
Domain level 0 - this indicates that this instance
is a new install and has never had a domain level
Deprecated as of 1.3.0
Domain Level introduced with 1.2.0.
Deprecated as of 1.4.0
Domain Level introduced with 1.3.0.
Deprecated as of 1.5.0
Domain Level introduced with 1.4.0.
Deprecated as of 1.6.0
Domain Level introduced with 1.5.0.
Deprecated as of 1.7.0
Domain Level introduced with 1.6.0.
Deprecated as of 1.8.0
Domain Level introduced with 1.7.0.
Deprecated as of 1.9.0
How long access tokens should last. This is NOT the length
of the refresh token, which is bound to the issuing session.
In production we allow 1 week
The number of days that the default replication MTLS cert lasts for when
configured manually. Defaults to 4 years (including 1 day for the leap year).
The amount of time a suppliers clock can be “ahead” before
we warn about possible clock synchronisation issues.