macro_rules! pam_hooks {
($ident:ident) => { ... };
Expand description
Macro to generate the extern "C"
entrypoint bindings needed by PAM
You can call pam_hooks!(SomeType);
for any type that implements PamHooks
Here is full example of a PAM module that would authenticate and authorize everybody:
extern crate pam;
use pam::constants::{PamFlag, PamResultCode};
use pam::module::{PamHandle, PamHooks};
use std::ffi::CStr;
struct MyPamModule;
impl PamHooks for MyPamModule {
fn sm_authenticate(pamh: &PamHandle, args: Vec<&CStr>, flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
println!("Everybody is authenticated!");
fn acct_mgmt(pamh: &PamHandle, args: Vec<&CStr>, flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
println!("Everybody is authorized!");