
Module softlock

Expand description

Represents a temporary denial of the credential to authenticate. This is used to ratelimit and prevent bruteforcing of accounts. At an initial failure the SoftLock is created and the count set to 1, with a unlock_at set to 1 second later, and a reset_count_at: at a maximum time window for a cycle.

If the softlock already exists, and the failure count is 0, then this acts as the creation where the reset_count_at window is then set.

While current_time < unlock_at, all authentication attempts are denied with a message regarding the account being temporarily unavailable. Once unlock_at < current_time, authentication will be processed again. If a subsequent failure occurs, unlock_at is extended based on policy, and failure_count incremented.

If unlock_at < current_time, and authentication succeeds the login is allowed and no changes to failure_count or unlock_at are made.

If reset_count_at < current_time, then failure_count is reset to 0 before processing.

This allows handling of max_failure_count, so that when that value from policy is exceeded then unlock_at is set to reset_count_at to softlock until the cycle is over (see NIST sp800-63b.). For example, reset_count_at will be 24 hours after the first failed authentication attempt.

This also works for something like TOTP which allows a 60 second cycle for the reset_count_at and a max number of attempts in that window (say 5). with short delays in between (1 second).

                                                 │reset_at < current_time │
                                               │                         │
            ┌─────┐                         .─────.       ┌────┐         │
            │Valid│                        ╱       ╲      │Fail│
       ┌────┴─────┴───────────────────────(count = 0)─────┴────┴┐        │
       │                                   `.     ,'            │
       │                                     `───'              │        │
       │             ┌────────────────────────┐▲                │
       │             │reset_at < current_time │                 │        │
       │             └────────────────────────┘│                │
       │                      ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─                 │        │
       │                                                        │
       │                      ├─────┬───────┬──┐                ▼        │
       │                      │     │ Fail  │  │             .─────.
       │                      │     │count++│  │           ,'       `.   │
       ▼                   .─────.  └───────┘  │          ;  Locked   :
┌────────────┐            ╱       ╲            └─────────▶: count > 0 ;◀─┤
│Auth Success│◀─┬─────┬──(Unlocked )                       ╲         ╱   │
└────────────┘  │Valid│   `.     ,'                         `.     ,'    │
                └─────┘     `───'                             `───'      │
                              ▲                                 │        │
                              │                                 │        │
                                    │ expire_at < current_time │ │ current_time < expire_at │
                                    └──────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────┘
