POSIX Accounts and Groups
Kanidm has features that enable its accounts and groups to be consumed on POSIX-like machines, such as Linux, FreeBSD or others. Both service accounts and person accounts can be used on POSIX systems.
Notes on POSIX Features
Many design decisions have been made in the POSIX features of Kanidm that are intended to make distributed systems easier to manage and client systems more secure.
UID and GID Numbers
In Kanidm there is no difference between a UID and a GID number. On most UNIX systems a user will
create all files with a primary user and group. The primary group is effectively equivalent to the
permissions of the user. It is very easy to see scenarios where someone may change the account to
have a shared primary group (ie allusers
), but without changing the umask on all client systems.
This can cause users' data to be compromised by any member of the same shared group.
To prevent this, many systems create a "user private group", or UPG. This group has the GID number matching the UID of the user, and the user sets their primary group ID to the GID number of the UPG.
As there is now an equivalence between the UID and GID number of the user and the UPG, there is no
benefit in separating these values. As a result Kanidm accounts only have a GID number, which is
also considered to be its UID number as well. This has the benefit of preventing the accidental
creation of a separate group that has an overlapping GID number (the uniqueness
attribute of the
schema will block the creation).
UPG Generation
Due to the requirement that a user have a UPG for security, many systems create these as two independent items. For example, in /etc/passwd and /etc/group:
# passwd
# group
Other systems like FreeIPA use a plugin that generates a UPG as a separate group entry on creation of the account. This means there are two entries for an account, and they must be kept in lock-step. This poses a risk of desynchronisation that can and will happen on these systems leading to possible issues.
Kanidm does neither of these. As the GID number of the user must be unique, and a user implies the UPG must exist, we can generate UPG's on-demand from the account. This has an important side effect - that you are unable to add any members to a UPG - given the nature of a user private group, this is the point.
GID Number Generation
Kanidm has asynchronous replication as a feature between database servers. In this case, we need to be able to allocate stable and reliable GID numbers to accounts on replicas that may not be in continual communication.
To do this, we use the last 24 bits of the account or group's UUID to generate the GID number. We
can only use the UID range 1879048192
) to 2147483647
) due to
limitations of the Linux kernel and
systemd reserving other uids in the range for its exclusive use.
A valid concern is the possibility of duplication in the lower 24 bits. Given the birthday problem, if you have ~7700 groups and accounts, you have a 50% chance of duplication. With ~5000 you have a 25% chance, ~930 you have a 1% chance and with 290 you have a 0.1% chance.
We advise that if you have a site with greater than approximately 2,000 users you should use an external system to allocate GID numbers serially or consistently to avoid potential duplication events.
We recommend the use of the range 65536
through 524287
for manual allocation. This leaves the
range 1000
through 65535
for OS/Distro purposes, and allows Kanidm to continue dynamic
allocation in the range 1879048192
to 2147483647
if you choose a hybrid allocation approach.
This design decision is made as most small sites will benefit greatly from the auto-allocation policy and the simplicity of its design, while larger enterprises will already have IDM or business process applications for HR/People that are capable of supplying this kind of data in batch jobs.
Enabling POSIX Attributes
Enabling POSIX Attributes on Accounts
To enable POSIX account features and IDs on an account, you require the permission
. This is provided to idm_admins
by default.
You can then use the following command to enable POSIX extensions on a person or service account.
kanidm [person OR service-account] posix set --name idm_admin <account_id> [--shell SHELL --gidnumber GID]
kanidm person posix set --name idm_admin demo_user
kanidm person posix set --name idm_admin demo_user --shell /bin/zsh
kanidm person posix set --name idm_admin demo_user --gidnumber 2001
kanidm service-account posix set --name idm_admin demo_account
kanidm service-account posix set --name idm_admin demo_account --shell /bin/zsh
kanidm service-account posix set --name idm_admin demo_account --gidnumber 2001
You can view the accounts POSIX token details with:
kanidm person posix show --name anonymous demo_user
kanidm service-account posix show --name anonymous demo_account
Enabling POSIX Attributes on Groups
To enable POSIX group features and IDs on an account, you require the permission idm_unix_admins
This is provided to idm_admins
by default.
You can then use the following command to enable POSIX extensions:
kanidm group posix set --name idm_admin <group_id> [--gidnumber GID]
kanidm group posix set --name idm_admin demo_group
kanidm group posix set --name idm_admin demo_group --gidnumber 2001
You can view the accounts POSIX token details with:
kanidm group posix show --name anonymous demo_group
POSIX-enabled groups will supply their members as POSIX members to clients. There is no special or separate type of membership for POSIX members required.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
subuid conflicts with Podman
Due to the way that Podman operates, in some cases using the Kanidm client inside non-root containers with Kanidm accounts may fail with an error such as:
ERROR[0000] cannot find UID/GID for user NAME: No subuid ranges found for user "NAME" in /etc/subuid
This is a fault in Podman and how it attempts to provide non-root containers, when UID/GIDs are greater than 65535. In this case, you may manually allocate your users GID number to be between 1000 - 65535, which may not trigger the fault.