FreeIPA is a popular opensource LDAP and Kerberos provider, aiming to be "Active Directory" for Linux.

Kanidm is able to synchronise from FreeIPA for the purposes of coexistence or migration.

Installing the FreeIPA Sync Tool

See installing the client tools. The ipa sync tool is part of the tools container.

Configure the FreeIPA Sync Tool

The sync tool is a bridge between FreeIPA and Kanidm, meaning that the tool must be configured to communicate to both sides.

Like other components of Kanidm, the FreeIPA sync tool will read your /etc/kanidm/config if present to understand how to connect to Kanidm.

The sync tool specific components are configured in its own configuration file.

# The sync account token as generated by "system sync generate-token". sync_token = "eyJhb..." # A cron-like expression of when to run when in scheduled mode. The format is: # sec min hour day of month month day of week year # # The default of this value is "0 */5 * * * * *" which means "run every 5 minutes". # schedule = "" # If you want to monitor the status of the scheduled sync tool (you should) # then you can set a bind address here. # # If not set, defaults to no status listener. # status_bind = "" # The LDAP URI to FreeIPA. This MUST be LDAPS. You should connect to a unique single # server in the IPA topology rather than via a load balancer or dns srv records. This # is to prevent replication conflicts and issues due to how 389-ds content sync works. ipa_uri = "ldaps://" # Path to the IPA CA certificate in PEM format. This can be found on an IPA server # in the file `/etc/ipa/ca.crt` ipa_ca = "/path/to/ipa-ca.pem" # The DN of an account with content sync rights. By default cn=Directory Manager has # this access. ipa_sync_dn = "cn=Directory Manager" ipa_sync_pw = "directory manager password" # The basedn to examine. ipa_sync_base_dn = "dc=ipa,dc=dev,dc=kanidm,dc=com" # By default Kanidm separates the primary account password and credentials from # the unix credential. This allows the unix password to be isolated from the # account password so that compromise of one doesn't compromise the other. However # this can be surprising for new users during a migration. This boolean allows the # user password to be set as the unix password during the migration for consistency # and then after the migration they are "unlinked". # # sync_password_as_unix_password = false # The sync tool can alter or exclude entries. These are mapped by their syncuuid # (not their ipa-object-uuid). The syncuuid is derived from nsUniqueId in 389-ds. # This is chosen oven DN because DN's can change with modrdn where nsUniqueId is # immutable and requires an entry to be deleted and recreated. [ac60034b-3498-11ed-a50d-919b4b1a5ec0] # my-problematic-entry exclude = true # Remap the uuid of this entry to a new uuid on Kanidm # # map_uuid = <uuid> # Remap the name of this entry to a new name on Kanidm # # map_name = <name> # Remap the gidnumber for groups, and uidnumber for users # # map_gidnumber = <number>

This example is located in examples/kanidm-ipa-sync.

In addition to this, you must make some configuration changes to FreeIPA to enable synchronisation.

You can find the name of your 389 Directory Server instance with:

# Run on the FreeIPA server dsctl --list > slapd-DEV-KANIDM-COM

Using this you can show the current status of the retro changelog plugin to see if you need to change it's configuration.

# Run on the FreeIPA server dsconf <instance name> plugin retro-changelog show dsconf slapd-DEV-KANIDM-COM plugin retro-changelog show

You must modify the retro changelog plugin to include the full scope of the database suffix so that the sync tool can view the changes to the database. Currently dsconf can not modify the include-suffix so you must do this manually.

You need to change the nsslapd-include-suffix to match your FreeIPA baseDN here. You can access the basedn with:

ldapsearch -H ldaps://<IPA SERVER HOSTNAME/IP> -x -b '' -s base namingContexts # namingContexts: dc=ipa,dc=dev,dc=kanidm,dc=com

You should ignore cn=changelog and o=ipaca as these are system internal namingContexts. You can then create an ldapmodify like the following.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { dn: cn=Retro Changelog Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config changetype: modify replace: nsslapd-include-suffix nsslapd-include-suffix: dc=ipa,dc=dev,dc=kanidm,dc=com }

And apply it with:

ldapmodify -f change.ldif -H ldaps://<IPA SERVER HOSTNAME/IP> -x -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -W # Enter LDAP Password:

You must then reboot your FreeIPA server.

Running the Sync Tool Manually

You can perform a dry run with the sync tool manually to check your configurations are correct and that the tool can synchronise from FreeIPA.

kanidm-ipa-sync [-c /path/to/kanidm/config] -i /path/to/kanidm-ipa-sync -n kanidm-ipa-sync -i /etc/kanidm/ipa-sync -n

As the sync tool is part of the tools container, you can run this with:

docker run --rm -i -t \ --user uid:gid \ -p 12345:12345 \ -v /etc/kanidm/config:/etc/kanidm/config:ro \ -v /path/to/ -v /path/to/ipa-ca.pem:/etc/kanidm/ipa-ca.pem:ro \ -v /path/to/ipa-sync:/etc/kanidm/ipa-sync:ro \ kanidm/tools:latest \ kanidm-ipa-sync -i /etc/kanidm/ipa-sync -

Running the Sync Tool Automatically

The sync tool can be run on a schedule if you configure the schedule parameter, and provide the option "--schedule" on the cli

kanidm-ipa-sync [-c /path/to/kanidm/config] -i /path/to/kanidm-ipa-sync --schedule kanidm-ipa-sync -i /etc/kanidm/ipa-sync --schedule

As the sync tool is part of the tools container, you can run this with:

docker run --name kanidm-ipa-sync \ --user uid:gid \ -p 12345:12345 \ -v /etc/kanidm/config:/etc/kanidm/config:ro \ -v /path/to/ -v /path/to/ipa-ca.pem:/etc/kanidm/ipa-ca.pem:ro \ -v /path/to/ipa-sync:/etc/kanidm/ipa-sync:ro \ kanidm/tools:latest \ kanidm-ipa-sync -i /etc/kanidm/ipa-sync --schedule

Monitoring the Sync Tool

When running in schedule mode, you may wish to monitor the sync tool for failures. Since failures block the sync process, this is important to ensuring a smooth and reliable synchronisation process.

You can configure a status listener that can be monitored via tcp with the parameter status_bind.

An example of monitoring this with netcat is:

# status_bind = "[::1]:12345" # nc ::1 12345 Ok

It's important to note no details are revealed via the status socket, and is purely for Ok or Err status of the last sync. This status socket is suitable for monitoring from tools such as Nagios.