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use kanidm_proto::constants::DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH;
pub const DEFAULT_IPA_CONFIG_PATH: &str = "/etc/kanidm/ipa-sync";
#[derive(Debug, clap::Parser)]
#[clap(about = "Kanidm FreeIPA Sync Driver")]
pub struct Opt {
/// Enable debugging of the sync driver
#[clap(short, long, env = "KANIDM_DEBUG")]
pub debug: bool,
/// Path to the client config file.
#[clap(value_parser, short, long, default_value_os_t = DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH.into())]
pub client_config: PathBuf,
/// Path to the ipa-sync config file.
#[clap(value_parser, short, long, env = "KANIDM_IPA_SYNC_CONFIG", default_value_os_t = DEFAULT_IPA_CONFIG_PATH.into())]
pub ipa_sync_config: PathBuf,
/// Dump the ldap protocol inputs, as well as the scim outputs. This can be used
/// to create test cases for testing the parser.
/// No actions are taken on the kanidm instance, this is purely a dump of the
/// state in/out.
#[clap(short, long, hide = true)]
pub proto_dump: bool,
/// Read entries from ipa, and check the connection to kanidm, but take no actions against
/// kanidm that would change state.
#[clap(short = 'n')]
pub dry_run: bool,
/// Run in scheduled mode, where the sync tool will periodically attempt to sync between
/// FreeIPA and Kanidm.
#[clap(long = "schedule")]
pub schedule: bool,
/// Skip the root user permission check.
#[clap(short, long, hide = true)]
pub skip_root_check: bool,