use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use kanidm_proto::constants::DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESS;
use kanidm_proto::internal::FsType;
use kanidm_proto::messages::ConsoleOutputMode;
use serde::Deserialize;
use sketching::LogLevel;
use url::Url;
use crate::repl::config::ReplicationConfiguration;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct OnlineBackup {
pub path: Option<String>,
pub schedule: String,
#[serde(default = "default_online_backup_versions")]
pub versions: usize,
#[serde(default = "default_online_backup_enabled")]
pub enabled: bool,
impl Default for OnlineBackup {
fn default() -> Self {
OnlineBackup {
path: None, schedule: default_online_backup_schedule(),
versions: default_online_backup_versions(),
enabled: default_online_backup_enabled(),
fn default_online_backup_enabled() -> bool {
fn default_online_backup_schedule() -> String {
fn default_online_backup_versions() -> usize {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TlsConfiguration {
pub chain: PathBuf,
pub key: PathBuf,
pub client_ca: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct ServerConfig {
pub domain: Option<String>,
pub origin: Option<String>,
pub db_path: Option<String>,
pub tls_chain: Option<String>,
pub tls_key: Option<String>,
pub tls_client_ca: Option<String>,
pub bindaddress: Option<String>,
pub ldapbindaddress: Option<String>,
pub role: ServerRole,
pub log_level: Option<LogLevel>,
pub online_backup: Option<OnlineBackup>,
pub trust_x_forward_for: Option<bool>,
pub db_fs_type: Option<kanidm_proto::internal::FsType>,
pub adminbindpath: Option<String>,
pub thread_count: Option<usize>,
db_arc_size: Option<usize>,
#[serde(rename = "replication")]
pub repl_config: Option<ReplicationConfiguration>,
pub otel_grpc_url: Option<String>,
impl ServerConfig {
pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(config_path: Option<P>) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
let mut config = ServerConfig::default();
if let Some(config_path) = config_path {
if config_path.as_ref().exists() {
eprintln!("📜 Using config file: {:?}", config_path.as_ref());
let mut f: File = File::open(config_path.as_ref()).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("Unable to open config file [{:?}] 🥺", e);
let diag = kanidm_lib_file_permissions::diagnose_path(config_path.as_ref());
eprintln!("{}", diag);
let mut contents = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut contents).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("unable to read contents {:?}", e);
let diag = kanidm_lib_file_permissions::diagnose_path(config_path.as_ref());
eprintln!("{}", diag);
match toml::from_str::<ServerConfig>(contents.as_str()) {
Err(err) => {
"Unable to parse config from '{:?}': {:?}",
Ok(val) => config = val,
} else {
eprintln!("📜 No config file found at {:?}", config_path.as_ref());
} else {
"WARNING: No configuration path was provided, relying on environment variables."
let res = config.try_from_env().map_err(|e| {
println!("Failed to use environment variable config: {e}");
std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e)
let mut config_failed = false;
if res.domain.is_none() {
eprintln!("❌ 'domain' field in server configuration is not set, server cannot start!");
config_failed = true;
if res.origin.is_none() {
eprintln!("❌ 'origin' field in server configuration is not set, server cannot start!");
config_failed = true;
if res.db_path.is_none() {
"❌ 'db_path' field in server configuration is not set, server cannot start!"
config_failed = true;
if res.tls_chain.is_none() {
"❌ 'tls_chain' field in server configuration is not set, server cannot start!"
config_failed = true;
if res.tls_key.is_none() {
"❌ 'tls_key' field in server configuration is not set, server cannot start!"
config_failed = true;
if config_failed {
eprintln!("Failed to parse configuration, server cannot start!");
"Failed to parse configuration, server cannot start!",
} else {
fn try_from_env(mut self) -> Result<Self, String> {
for (key, value) in std::env::vars() {
let Some(key) = key.strip_prefix("KANIDM_") else {
let ignorable_build_fields = [
if ignorable_build_fields.contains(&key) {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, test))]
eprintln!("-- Ignoring build-time env var KANIDM_{key}");
match key {
"DOMAIN" => {
self.domain = Some(value.to_string());
"ORIGIN" => {
self.origin = Some(value.to_string());
"DB_PATH" => {
self.db_path = Some(value.to_string());
"TLS_CHAIN" => {
self.tls_chain = Some(value.to_string());
"TLS_KEY" => {
self.tls_key = Some(value.to_string());
self.tls_client_ca = Some(value.to_string());
self.bindaddress = Some(value.to_string());
self.ldapbindaddress = Some(value.to_string());
"ROLE" => {
self.role = ServerRole::from_str(&value).map_err(|err| {
format!("Failed to parse KANIDM_ROLE as ServerRole: {}", err)
"LOG_LEVEL" => {
self.log_level = LogLevel::from_str(&value)
.map_err(|err| {
format!("Failed to parse KANIDM_LOG_LEVEL as LogLevel: {}", err)
if let Some(backup) = &mut self.online_backup {
backup.path = Some(value.to_string());
} else {
self.online_backup = Some(OnlineBackup {
path: Some(value.to_string()),
if let Some(backup) = &mut self.online_backup {
backup.schedule = value.to_string();
} else {
self.online_backup = Some(OnlineBackup {
schedule: value.to_string(),
let versions = value.parse().map_err(|_| {
"Failed to parse KANIDM_ONLINE_BACKUP_VERSIONS as usize".to_string()
if let Some(backup) = &mut self.online_backup {
backup.versions = versions;
} else {
self.online_backup = Some(OnlineBackup {
self.trust_x_forward_for = value
.map_err(|_| {
"Failed to parse KANIDM_TRUST_X_FORWARD_FOR as bool".to_string()
"DB_FS_TYPE" => {
self.db_fs_type = FsType::try_from(value.as_str())
.map_err(|_| {
"Failed to parse KANIDM_DB_FS_TYPE env var to valid value!".to_string()
"DB_ARC_SIZE" => {
self.db_arc_size = value
.map_err(|_| "Failed to parse KANIDM_DB_ARC_SIZE as value".to_string())
self.adminbindpath = Some(value.to_string());
let repl_origin = Url::parse(value.as_str()).map_err(|err| {
format!("Failed to parse KANIDM_REPLICATION_ORIGIN as URL: {}", err)
if let Some(repl) = &mut self.repl_config {
repl.origin = repl_origin
} else {
self.repl_config = Some(ReplicationConfiguration {
origin: repl_origin,
let repl_bind_address = value
.map_err(|_| "Failed to parse replication bind address".to_string())?;
if let Some(repl) = &mut self.repl_config {
repl.bindaddress = repl_bind_address;
} else {
self.repl_config = Some(ReplicationConfiguration {
bindaddress: repl_bind_address,
let poll_interval = value
.map_err(|_| {
"Failed to parse replication task poll interval as u64".to_string()
if let Some(repl) = &mut self.repl_config {
repl.task_poll_interval = poll_interval;
} else {
self.repl_config = Some(ReplicationConfiguration {
task_poll_interval: poll_interval,
self.otel_grpc_url = Some(value.to_string());
_ => eprintln!("Ignoring env var KANIDM_{key}"),
pub fn get_db_arc_size(&self) -> Option<usize> {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ServerRole {
impl Display for ServerRole {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ServerRole::WriteReplica => f.write_str("write replica"),
ServerRole::WriteReplicaNoUI => f.write_str("write replica (no ui)"),
ServerRole::ReadOnlyReplica => f.write_str("read only replica"),
impl FromStr for ServerRole {
type Err = &'static str;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"write_replica" => Ok(ServerRole::WriteReplica),
"write_replica_no_ui" => Ok(ServerRole::WriteReplicaNoUI),
"read_only_replica" => Ok(ServerRole::ReadOnlyReplica),
_ => Err("Must be one of write_replica, write_replica_no_ui, read_only_replica"),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct IntegrationTestConfig {
pub admin_user: String,
pub admin_password: String,
pub idm_admin_user: String,
pub idm_admin_password: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct IntegrationReplConfig {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Configuration {
pub address: String,
pub ldapaddress: Option<String>,
pub adminbindpath: String,
pub threads: usize,
pub db_path: String,
pub db_fs_type: Option<FsType>,
pub db_arc_size: Option<usize>,
pub maximum_request: usize,
pub trust_x_forward_for: bool,
pub tls_config: Option<TlsConfiguration>,
pub integration_test_config: Option<Box<IntegrationTestConfig>>,
pub online_backup: Option<OnlineBackup>,
pub domain: String,
pub origin: String,
pub role: ServerRole,
pub output_mode: ConsoleOutputMode,
pub log_level: LogLevel,
pub repl_config: Option<ReplicationConfiguration>,
pub integration_repl_config: Option<Box<IntegrationReplConfig>>,
pub otel_grpc_url: Option<String>,
impl fmt::Display for Configuration {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "address: {}, ", self.address)?;
write!(f, "domain: {}, ", self.domain)?;
match &self.ldapaddress {
Some(la) => write!(f, "ldap address: {}, ", la),
None => write!(f, "ldap address: disabled, "),
write!(f, "origin: {} ", self.origin)?;
write!(f, "admin bind path: {}, ", self.adminbindpath)?;
write!(f, "thread count: {}, ", self.threads)?;
write!(f, "dbpath: {}, ", self.db_path)?;
match self.db_arc_size {
Some(v) => write!(f, "arcsize: {}, ", v),
None => write!(f, "arcsize: AUTO, "),
write!(f, "max request size: {}b, ", self.maximum_request)?;
write!(f, "trust X-Forwarded-For: {}, ", self.trust_x_forward_for)?;
write!(f, "with TLS: {}, ", self.tls_config.is_some())?;
match &self.online_backup {
Some(bck) => write!(
"online_backup: enabled: {} - schedule: {} versions: {} path: {}, ",
None => write!(f, "online_backup: disabled, "),
"integration mode: {}, ",
write!(f, "console output format: {:?} ", self.output_mode)?;
write!(f, "log_level: {}", self.log_level)?;
write!(f, "role: {}, ", self.role)?;
match &self.repl_config {
Some(repl) => {
write!(f, "replication: enabled")?;
write!(f, "repl_origin: {} ", repl.origin)?;
write!(f, "repl_address: {} ", repl.bindaddress)?;
"integration repl config mode: {}, ",
None => {
write!(f, "replication: disabled, ")?;
write!(f, "otel_grpc_url: {:?}", self.otel_grpc_url)?;
impl Default for Configuration {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Configuration {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Configuration {
address: DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESS.to_string(),
ldapaddress: None,
adminbindpath: env!("KANIDM_SERVER_ADMIN_BIND_PATH").to_string(),
threads: std::thread::available_parallelism()
.map(|t| t.get())
.unwrap_or_else(|_e| {
eprintln!("WARNING: Unable to read number of available CPUs, defaulting to 4");
db_path: String::from(""),
db_fs_type: None,
db_arc_size: None,
maximum_request: 256 * 1024, trust_x_forward_for: false,
tls_config: None,
integration_test_config: None,
online_backup: None,
domain: "".to_string(),
origin: "".to_string(),
output_mode: ConsoleOutputMode::default(),
log_level: Default::default(),
role: ServerRole::WriteReplica,
repl_config: None,
integration_repl_config: None,
otel_grpc_url: None,
pub fn new_for_test() -> Self {
Configuration {
threads: 1,
pub fn update_online_backup(&mut self, cfg: &Option<OnlineBackup>) {
match cfg {
None => {}
Some(cfg) => {
let path = match cfg.path.clone() {
Some(path) => Some(path),
None => {
let db_filepath = Path::new(&self.db_path);
let db_path = db_filepath
.map(|p| {
.expect("Couldn't turn db_path to str")
.expect("Unable to get parent directory of db_path");
self.online_backup = Some(OnlineBackup {
pub fn update_log_level(&mut self, level: &Option<LogLevel>) {
self.log_level = level.unwrap_or_default();
pub fn update_config_for_server_mode(&mut self, sconfig: &ServerConfig) {
#[cfg(any(test, debug_assertions))]
debug!("update_config_for_server_mode {:?}", sconfig);
self.update_tls(&sconfig.tls_chain, &sconfig.tls_key, &sconfig.tls_client_ca);
pub fn update_trust_x_forward_for(&mut self, t: Option<bool>) {
self.trust_x_forward_for = t.unwrap_or(false);
pub fn update_db_path(&mut self, p: &str) {
self.db_path = p.to_string();
pub fn update_db_arc_size(&mut self, v: Option<usize>) {
self.db_arc_size = v
pub fn update_db_fs_type(&mut self, p: &Option<FsType>) {
p.clone_into(&mut self.db_fs_type);
pub fn update_bind(&mut self, b: &Option<String>) {
self.address = b
.unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_SERVER_ADDRESS.to_string());
pub fn update_ldapbind(&mut self, l: &Option<String>) {
pub fn update_admin_bind_path(&mut self, p: &Option<String>) {
if let Some(p) = p {
pub fn update_origin(&mut self, o: &str) {
self.origin = o.to_string();
pub fn update_domain(&mut self, d: &str) {
self.domain = d.to_string();
pub fn update_role(&mut self, r: ServerRole) {
self.role = r;
pub fn update_output_mode(&mut self, om: ConsoleOutputMode) {
self.output_mode = om;
pub fn update_replication_config(&mut self, repl_config: Option<ReplicationConfiguration>) {
self.repl_config = repl_config;
pub fn update_tls(
&mut self,
chain: &Option<String>,
key: &Option<String>,
client_ca: &Option<String>,
) {
match (chain, key) {
(None, None) => {}
(Some(chainp), Some(keyp)) => {
let chain = PathBuf::from(chainp.clone());
let key = PathBuf::from(keyp.clone());
let client_ca = client_ca.clone().map(PathBuf::from);
self.tls_config = Some(TlsConfiguration {
_ => {
eprintln!("ERROR: Invalid TLS configuration - must provide chain and key!");
pub fn update_threads_count(&mut self, threads: usize) {
self.threads = std::cmp::min(self.threads, threads);