use askama::Template;
use axum::{
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
use axum_htmx::HxPushUrl;
use kanidm_proto::internal::AppLink;
use super::constants::Urls;
use super::navbar::NavbarCtx;
use crate::https::views::errors::HtmxError;
use crate::https::{
extractors::DomainInfo, extractors::VerifiedClientInformation, middleware::KOpId, ServerState,
#[template(path = "apps.html")]
struct AppsView {
navbar_ctx: NavbarCtx,
apps_partial: AppsPartialView,
#[template(path = "apps_partial.html")]
struct AppsPartialView {
apps: Vec<AppLink>,
pub(crate) async fn view_apps_get(
State(state): State<ServerState>,
Extension(kopid): Extension<KOpId>,
VerifiedClientInformation(client_auth_info): VerifiedClientInformation,
DomainInfo(domain_info): DomainInfo,
) -> axum::response::Result<Response> {
// Because this is the route where the login page can land, we need to actually alter
// our response as a result. If the user comes here directly we need to render the full
// page, otherwise we need to render the partial.
let app_links = state
.handle_list_applinks(client_auth_info, kopid.eventid)
.map_err(|old| HtmxError::new(&kopid, old, domain_info.clone()))?;
let apps_partial = AppsPartialView { apps: app_links };
let apps_view = AppsView {
navbar_ctx: NavbarCtx { domain_info },
(HxPushUrl(Uri::from_static(Urls::Apps.as_ref())), apps_view).into_response()